Theatre Forum is now Performing Arts Forum


Performing Arts Forum’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy and Action Plan have been developed after a period of consultation with the organisation’s staff, Board of Directors and members representing the voices of freelance artists and arts workers, arts organisations, Theatres and Arts Centres as well as community members. Consultations identified three key strategic goals, which are detailed further in the sections that follow.

Performing Arts Forum EDI Policy

Performing Arts Forum is committed to promoting the values of equality, diversity, and inclusion and integrating them into its structures, actions and culture. The goal of our policy and action plan is to embed EDI values and actions at all levels of our organisation and in the programmes we develop and support.  We believe that the performing arts thrive through a plurality of experiences, viewpoints and approaches.

We are fully committed to our legal obligations under the Equality Acts (1998-2015), the Equal Status Acts (2000-2018) and Section 42 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014 (Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty). In line with the Arts Council’s Equality, Human Rights and Diversity (EHRD) Policy and Strategy, we commit to putting proactive policy measures in place to promote equality of opportunity, access and outcomes regardless of gender, sexual orientation, civil or family status, religion, age, disability, race or membership of the Traveller Community. In accord with the Arts Council’s EHRD Policy and Strategy, we also note the ground of socio-economic status as a further basis for which equality of opportunity, access and outcomes must be guaranteed.   We recognise and appreciate the intersectional nature of identity.

We believe that everyone should develop to their full potential and should not be treated less favourably due to any personal characteristic. We are aware that barriers to participation have prevented artists, audiences and participants from fully enjoying opportunities to engage with and participate in the performing arts; we therefore have established procedures to address discrimination and maintain an ongoing commitment to tackle existing and perceived barriers. Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion seeks to recognise, respect and value differences in order to promote an inclusive culture for members and all the people who work with Theatre Forum and who avail of our services and opportunities.

Strategic Goal 1: To be a key resource for the performing arts community on EDI matters. To do this by increasing the knowledge, skills and awareness of members and stakeholders.
Under this goal, we commit to identifying the needs of our members in relation to EDI matters, securing and sharing the resources to build knowledge and awareness in the sector. Among the actions planned, we intend to provide a safe space for members of the performing arts community to voice their concerns and challenges, share good practice and recommendations around EDI matters

Strategic Goal 2: To remove barriers for artists to enjoy full participation in development opportunities led by Theatre Forum.
Under this goal, we commit to developing mechanisms to enhance the accessibility of artist development programmes and providing clarity in relation to the accessibility of online and live events and of residencies. We will introduce mechanisms to ensure increased representation of voices that have not been included across various strands of our work, including in the selection processes for our developmental programmes.

Strategic Goal 3: To be an equitable, diverse and inclusive organisation.
Under this goal, we have focused on promoting diversity in our governance and recruitment processes, as well as building capacity within our team on equality, diversity and inclusion. In order to ensure our EDI Policy and Action Plan remain a ‘living’ document, we will ensure that consultation with all relevant stakeholders is conducted on a regular basis.

Implementation and Evaluation of EDI Policy Action Plan

The implementation of Performing Arts Forum’s EDI Policy Action Plan will be led by the Director of the organisation, with the overall team responsible for its delivery.  Oversight will rest with the Board’s EDI Committee, with quarterly reporting of progress scheduled. The EDI Policy and Action Plan’s progress will be evaluated at its midpoint in 2026, and again at its conclusion in 2028, alongside Performing Arts Forum’s organisational strategy.