Theatre Forum is now Performing Arts Forum

In addition to the provisions set out in the Theatre Forum CLG Constitution of 15 September 2016, the following Rules of Membership apply:

  1. Membership is renewed annually on payment of the appropriate Membership Subscription.
  2. There are three classes of members: Individual, Organisation, and Affiliate Member.
  3. Membership classes and subscriptions: Individual and affiliate membership subscriptions are fixed amounts, payable annually. Subscriptions for member organisations are calculated on the company’s turnover for the previous year except for production companies without year-round employees.

Individual Membership

For sole traders, including freelance directors, writers, makers, actors, set designers, producers and others working in the performing arts. Individual members have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and are welcome at all events.

Subscription: €30

Organisation Membership

Available to all performing arts organisations. Organisations have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and the wider organisation team is welcome at all events


  • Turnover < €100,000 as well as production companies not in receipt of strategic funding and/or without year-round employees: €170
  • Turnover between €100,000-€500,000: €340 
  • Turnover between €500,000-€1 million: €630
  • Turnover between €1 million-€3 million: €920
  • Turnover between €3 million-€5 million: €1,900
  • Turnover over €5 million:  €2,490

Affiliate Membership

Open to Local Authority Arts Officers as well as individuals in any organisation affiliated with Performing Arts Forum.  Affiliate Members do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and may not be entitled to attend a small number of Forum events.

Subscription: €250

Voting at Elections

Individual Members and Member Organisations are entitled to vote for the Directors of the Company. Members are entitled to nominate a proxy to vote on their behalf at the AGM of the Company.
A weighted voting system applies. Member Organisations have a weighted vote of three to an Individual Member’s vote of one.

Extract from the Constitution of Theatre Forum Company Limited by Guarantee, adopted by special resolution passed the 15 September 2016.


  1. …The Board may from time to time register an increase or a decrease in the number of members.
  2. There shall be three classes of members: individual members, member organisations and affiliate members provided however that the Company may from time to time by ordinary resolution in general meeting, add to or otherwise alter the number and types of classes of members.
  3. The members in each class shall be those persons or bodies who shall be admitted to membership by the Board in accordance with the Rules of Membership and whose names are entered on the register of members of the Company.
  4. The Company shall maintain Rules of Membership which shall be established by the Board and may be altered from time to time by resolution of the Board. The Rules of Administration shall be published by the Company and shall set out, inter alia, the following:
    1. the respective rights and obligations attaching to each class of membership (subject as provided in these articles);
    2. the eligibility criteria for membership in each class;
    3. the process of application for membership;
    4. the annual membership subscription fees payable by members in each class, and thebasis for the calculation of the same.
  5. The Board shall adjudicate on applications for membership. Its decision whether to admit an applicant to membership shall be taken in accordance with the Rules of Administration and shall be final.


  1. The Board shall from time to time fix the fees, subscriptions and contributions payable by members and the date by which the same shall be paid. The annual subscription shall be paid no later than 30 days prior to the year-end for which the same shall be due.
  2. The Company may on the recommendation of the Board, by ordinary resolution in general meeting fix a special contribution or contributions to be paid by members in each class, to meet some special contingency.


  1. A member may resign his or her membership by serving notice to that effect upon the Company at the Registered Office.
  2. Membership shall automatically terminate if any fee, subscription or contribution fixed pursuant to article 9 is not paid within 30 days of the date by which the same is due, unless the Board shall in its discretion determine that, in the particular circumstances of the case, the payment may be postponed or waived.
  3. Membership may terminate in the event that the trading or other circumstances of the member are materially altered from those applicable at the date on which the member was admitted to membership. This decision shall be at the discretion of the Board. In the event that the Board shall decide that the membership should terminate on this account, it shall invoke the process set out in article 14 below.
  4. The Board may terminate a membership by serving notice upon the member to that effect. Before reaching the decision to issue such a notice, the Board shall:
    1. give warning to the member of its intention to terminate the membership and the reason therefor;
    2. give the member a reasonable opportunity to make a submission as to why the membership should not be terminated;
    3. take any such submission made by the member into account in reaching its decision;
    4. act fairly and impartially.
  5. The death or bankruptcy of a member (if an individual) and the dissolution of a member (if a company) shall terminate his or her or its membership. A member whose membership has been terminated for bankruptcy or dissolution may be re-admitted to membership at the discretion of the Board subject to such conditions as the Board may see fit to impose.


16. Every member shall, as a continuing condition of membership, be bound by the provisions of the constitution of the Company and any amendment thereof, and shall observe all (if any) any rules or regulations made from time to time by the Company in general meeting or by the Board.