Theatre Forum is now Performing Arts Forum

Centre Stage is a European collaborative project for professional women artists in the performing arts and music. It’s a project that aims to contribute to positive change at both individual and structural levels for women performing artists in Europe.

The project consists of three parts:

Centre Stage | Core

A training and coaching programme for women performing artists to develop their communication and artistic leadership skills. 24 artists, eight each from Sweden, Ireland and Spain, will focus on self-promotion and career management skills in order to develop their careers trans-nationally.

Centre Stage | Online

An online course for women performing artists around Europe who want to develop communication and artistic leadership skills. The online course is free of charge and opens in Spring 2020.

Centre Stage | Programming for Diversity

In order to contribute to changes at a structural level, a Centre Stage film about equal opportunities in the performing arts will be produced. At conferences and events in the three partner countries, discussions on gender equality, equal opportunities, and how to achieve change in the performing arts will be arranged.

Centre Stage partners

Centre Stage is organised and delivered by three partner organisations.

Kiv Vgr

The Cultural Development Administration of Region Västra Götaland brings together skills and knowledge of different forms of art, natural and cultural heritage, cultural horizontal perspectives such as sustainability, accessibility, children and young people, as well as management of tourist attractions. The Administration was formed on 1 January 2020, merging the previous administrations of Kultur i Väst and Västarvet.
Read more:

Theatre Forum Logo

Theatre Forum in Ireland is a member organisation for the professional performing arts. Read more:

Aaiicc Positivo Negro

Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales through Escuela Publica de Formacion Cultural de Andalucia (EPFCA) in Spain is a school specialised in cultural training covering three fields: artistic training, technical training and cultural management.Read more:

Creative Europe Logo Credit English

Centre Stage is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. A collaboration between Cultural Development Administration of Region Västra Götaland, Theatre Forum and Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales through Escuela Publica de Formacion Cultural de Andalucia, the project started in September 2019 and runs until March 2022.