Theatre Forum, along with project partner La Escuela Pública de Formación Cultural de Andalucía (Spain), and lead partner Kultur i Väst (Sweden), is delighted that their Centre Stage project successfully secured Creative Europe funding under the 2019 round of support to European cooperation projects. This new project, with a total budget of over €300,000, starts in September 2019 and ends in March 2022.
The Centre Stage project is for women performing artists from Sweden, Spain and Ireland. There’s evidence in each country that women performing artists still earn less, get less funding, are under more time-pressure than their male peers, and are under-represented within publicly funded arts organisations. This project looks to correct this imbalance by supporting professional women artists to further develop their careers. It will initiate discussions and practical actions around bias and gender equality in cultural programming. The Centre Stage programme aims to change the thinking of current and future artistic leaders, and develop the links and networks of artists Europe-wide supporting them to put their work centre stage.
The core of the project will be extended artist meetings in Spain, Ireland and Sweden with workshops, symposia and coaching sessions with an online course being made more widely available. The project partners are looking forward to the Centre Stage group of artists visiting Malaga in January 2020, Galway – a European Capital of Culture – in May 2020, and Göteborg in November 2020.
Opening in September 2019, there’s a call on each of the project partners’ websites inviting applications to the Centre Stage programme.
Programme information & application for artists based in Ireland
Project partners Kultur i Väst in Sweden La Escuela Pública de Formación Cultural de Andalucía (AAIICC) in Spain Theatre Forum in Ireland.
Contact details
Theatre Forum CLG
Festival House
12 Essex Street East
Dublin 2
D02 EH42
+353 (0)1 677 8779
Theatre Forum greatly appreciates all the support of the Creative Europe Desk Ireland team.