Theatre Forum CLG – AGM Notice
30 September 2021, 12 noon
Festival House, 12 Essex Street East, Dublin 2 and online using Zoom
Theatre Forum’s AGM takes place on Thursday 30 September 2021. Check that your membership is up to date to attend and vote at the AGM. Thank you to all who have renewed memberships. If you’ve still to renew, you can do so online.
In line with current guidance, members are invited to attend the AGM virtually – please register to attend.
Use your vote
Every member is entitled to vote at the AGM. If you’re attending the AGM online, you’ll be able to cast your vote during the meeting.
Proxy Vote
If you’re unable to attend the online AGM, you can appoint a Proxy to vote on your behalf. We’d ask you to appoint Company Director and Secretary Marketa Dowling or any other member using this Proxy Form.
AGM Meeting agenda
- To agree minutes of 2020 AGM.
- To open the meeting and outline how members can ask questions or contribute to the AGM.
- To receive and consider the Directors’ Report & Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December 2020 (available to download).
- To authorise the Directors to appoint, fix the term and remuneration of the statutory auditor UHY Farrelly Dawe White Limited.
- To receive the Chair’s Report of the company’s affairs and the appointment of three directors.
- To consider 2019 and 2020 Payscales findings.
- Announce forthcoming events and AOB.
Election/Appointment directors
There are two candidates for three board positions so those three candidates will be elected to the board.
If you’ve any queries about your membership, the AGM or appointing a Proxy, contact us on