Theatre Forum is now Performing Arts Forum
Organisation: Safe to Create
Type: Info Session

SAFE TO CREATE is a Dignity at Work programme looking to ensure safe and respectful working conditions for those working in the arts and creative sectors. Delivered by Irish Theatre Institute in partnership with the Arts Council, Screen Ireland, and Minding Creative Minds, it features supports to combat harmful behaviour in the workplace, including information, training, counselling and legal advice for those in need. It includes:

A resource-rich website,, with key information, toolkits and templates for artists and organisations regarding rights and responsibilities;

24-hour counselling service by Minding Creative Minds, including specialist trauma counselling for victims of harmful behaviour and access to legal advice (1800 814 244);

Training programmes on of tackling bullying and harassment, unconscious bias, bystander training, intimacy coordination and much more, all specifically developed for the arts sector;

A Code of Behaviour developed to enable organisations to create workplaces free from bullying, intimidation and harassment of any kind;

Workshops around the country to provide information and support to implement the Code of Behaviour;

An anonymous reporting facility, where artists and arts workers can report incidents of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment without the need to identify themselves or disclose sensitive and personal details (not yet live);

A research programme to examine the prevalence and impact of harmful behaviours in Ireland’s arts sector; and to measure the impact of the ‘Safe to Create’ programme.

SAFE TO CREATE want artists and arts workers to know their rights, to have information regarding dignity at work, and to know what services and supports exist when things go wrong. We want arts organisations to commit to playing their part in providing safe workplaces for artists and arts workers.

Please visit to find out more about the supports available to you. Please sign up to the Safe to Create newsletter to hear about events and developments.

Please spread the word with your creative peers and colleagues. If any queries:

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