Theatre Forum is now Performing Arts Forum
Organisation: Baboró
Closing Date: 2 Apr 2025 @ 11:59 pm
Type: Mentor Programme

Calling diverse creatives from across Ireland to discover the professional realm of arts for young people.

Baboró invites you to apply to our 3-day paid mentorship programme during the Baboró festival in Galway, from 16 – 18 October. This initiative aims to encourage both emerging and established artists who are interested in making work for children to experience Baboró International Arts Festival for Children in an immersive and rewarding way. Over the 3 days, the small group of mentees will:

  • experience a curated programme of festival shows and industry events, witnessing high quality international work for young audiences, engaging in discussions and networking opportunities with Irish and international industry professionals;
  • be guided by seasoned mentors Phil Kingston (Community and Education Manager, Abbey Theatre) and Maria Fleming (CEO, First Fortnight);
  • be paid €600 (Note: travel and accommodation not included).

The objective is that artists and creatives from varied, diverse backgrounds and identities will be inspired to make work for babies, children and young people in Ireland, having been exposed to world-class Irish and international work. This vibrant sector is multidisciplinary and collaborative by nature and we encourage participants to connect with visiting artists and programmers, develop their Irish and worldwide relationships with a view towards possible future collaborations. You never can tell what might come from a brief chat!

How to apply

We’d love to hear from you—to apply please submit a brief CV (max 3 pages) and completed application form, available here. Should you prefer, you may submit your application form as an audio recording or short film (3-5 min). If submitting in this way, please make sure you respond to all questions in the application form.

We also invite you to fill out this quick and optional form to help us better understand the communities of artists that we are reaching.

Please send your document or recording to including ‘Baboró Festival Mentoring 2025 Application’ in the subject line.

Should you need any assistance in creating your application or have any question about this opportunity, feel free to contact Rachel at

Closing date for applications is end of day Wednesday, 2 April by midnight. If, at any point before the deadline, you would like to withdraw your application, simply send us an email.

We will respond to all applicants by Monday, 30 June, end of day.

Information Session

If you would like to know more about this opportunity or the application process, please join us at our online info session on Zoom on Friday, 21 March at 11:00.

You can RSVP here and will receive the link the morning of the session.

Key Dates to Remember

  • Applications Open – 5 March
  • Information Session – 21 March, 11:00
  • Applications Close – 2 April, 23:59
  • All participants will be notified by 30 June, end of day
Baboró is committed to making sure that all children in Ireland will be able to see themselves reflected in the arts. We want to support you to help build this community.
Baboró tiomanta do chinntiú go mbeidh gach leanbh in Éirinn in ann iad féin a fheiceáil léirithe sna healaíona. Ba mhaith linn tacaíocht a thabhairt duit chun cabhrú leis an bpobal seo a thógáil.

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